reasons to use tumble dryer in summer
Last updated on: 26 August 2024

Why you should still use your tumble dryer this summer

Summer is now in full swing, which for most people means that you can start drying your clothes outside on your neglected washing line. It may seem like a cheaper and more environmentally friendly option, however is it better than using your tumble dryer?

Take the below reasons into account as to why you should still be using your dryer during the summer months.

Time Saving

Do you need that particular blazer for your 9am office meeting that’s still damp in the washing machine from putting your load in the night before? This is no problem with a tumble dryer. Clothes that are pegged on the washing line can take up to half a day to dry, unlike a dryer that can be set to a thirty minute fast spin. This is convenient for anyone that’s in a hurry; you are also treated to warm and fresh scented threads straight from the machine.

Instant Comfort

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of slipping into soft, snug and toasty garments; especially after a long day at work or a soothing bath (to continue that feeling of tranquillity). You cannot achieve this as effectively with clothes that have been hung outside.

Unpredictable Weather

Your alarm is set 20 minutes earlier to hang out your wet washing and you head off to work on what seems like a beautiful summer’s morning. An hour or so into your shift, the sky shifts from blue to grey and the next thing you know it’s pouring it down with rain. You sigh deeply at the thought of getting home after your shift and unpegging damp and dirty rainwater-ridden clothes. Depending on personal preference you may want to rewash your load, or you will have to leave it out to dry for a second round, with the risk of it raining again. All of these events can be simply avoided by throwing your washing straight into the dryer and having one less thing to worry about.

Pesky Pollen

Hay fever sufferers will acknowledge the frustration of irritating symptoms such as itchy eyes and constant sneezing. Pollen is attaching itself to your attires that are drying outside thanks to the wind that is transferring it from flowers. The only solution to this is to dry your clothes indoors.

Energy Efficiency

There is a certain stigma associated with owning a dryer where people think that your bills will soar and that it is a colossal expense. It is true that you will have to pay a little bit extra towards your electricity bill, although it won’t be as much as you think. With the vast majority of tumble dryers you can control the exact time and heat required to dry laundry, making this a viable energy saving method.

Damp Resistant

Conscious of the fact that you can also dry your clothing by hanging it up inside, tumble drying can still be a more suitable solution. Drying clothes inside in un-ventilated areas can be a major cause of condensation and moisture indoors, which causes damp symptoms and mould in homes and can even be bad for your health.

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Posted by: Martin Astley 18 August 2015