My TV has stopped working after a lightning strike!
Do you suspect lightning damage to your TV? You might have heard that people have been struck by lightning while sitting indoors watching television. You might have even been told that you ought to unplug all your electrical appliances during a thunderstorm.
You may have dismissed these warnings as baseless urban legends, but they are actually correct: if lightning hits the electricity cables that lead into your home, or your aerial, or another part of your home, it can surge through your electricity supply and irreparably damage your electronics, which means your TV won’t work after a storm.
So if your TV has stopped working in the midst of a thunderstorm but other plugged-in electronics are working fine, unfortunately the set may be damaged. To find out if this is the case, unplug the television and plug a working item into the TV’s plug socket. If the item you just plugged in works but the television does not, unfortunately, you will need to get it repaired.
Why is my TV not working after a lightning strike?
TVs can stop working after a storm because the inside components get damaged. If you’ve ever seen behind a TV cover, you will have noticed that the box is full of computer chips, delicate wires, and solder. These items can cope with normal amounts of electricity, but when an unusually high voltage surges through them, they can short out and become “fried,” which can cause the TV to stop working.
Learn more: What should you do when the TV will not turn on?
Is there anything I can do?
If you suspect lightning damage to the TV, it’s worthwhile to attempt a “soft reset.” This simply involves unplugging the television set, leaving it for a few minutes, and plugging it back in again. If you’re lucky, your TV should start working normally again.
Otherwise, you’ll need to book it in for an appliance repair. In some cases, television warranties expressly prohibit repairs or replacements caused by weather or storm damage.
read more here: Why is my TV saying there is no signal?
How to prevent TVs from sustaining damage in electrical storms
The best way to ensure that your TV does not become damaged due to lightning (or any other power surge) is to buy a surge protector. There’s no need to just plug your TV into a surge protector; you may as well plug your Sky, Virgin, or FreeView box into it too, as well as any games consoles or other equipment that forms part of your home entertainment system. Make sure you don’t overload your electrics by plugging too many things into one socket, of course; buy several surge protectors if you think you need them.
You’ll want a surge protector that complies with EU and UK safety regulations (check for a CE mark), and that has a joule rating of at least 2,000. Don’t simply buy the cheapest surge protector available—a saving of a few pounds today could cost you thousands should another lightning bolt hit your home!
Surge protectors have monitoring circuits that ensure they work properly. When they are providing the protection they are supposed to, they should display a steady, illuminated light. If this light blinks, flickers, or goes out, you will need to replace the protector. These are the safest and cheapest way of ensuring your TV won’t stop working after a lightning strike or storm.
Still having trouble?
Do not attempt to make any changes to your electrical system if you are unsure or unconfident. Specific electrical work in the home must comply with Part P building regulations and be carried out according to BS 7671 wiring regulations. Remember, electricity is hazardous and can be fatal.
If you cannot resolve the issue, it is best to seek assistance from a qualified and certified professional. They can ensure your electrical systems are safe and functioning correctly. Always prioritise safety and compliance with regulations when dealing with electrical problems.
24|7 Home Rescue accepts no liability for any injuries or damages you sustain following the advice on this website. If in doubt, seek professional assistance.