security lighting timers and radios
Last updated on: 26 August 2024

Security lighting timers and radios – hints and tips for keeping homes safe over the holidays

Nobody wants to come back from holiday to find their house has been broken into. If you have taken out a home emergency protection plan with 247 Home Rescue, then you can use us to make your home secure again. We will cover you for security incidents relating to your home, including boarding up broken doors and windows, fixing broken locks, and making burgled homes secure again.

Lights, voices, and music will make it seem like someone is still in your home, but they are best used tactically; a criminal may soon realise that your home is empty if you have just left Radio 4 and the hallway light on.

Security lights are a great way to make a home look like it is still occupied, and aside from getting a friend to stay in your home while you are away, they are likely the best way to dissuade burglars from striking your home.

But there is a huge range of lighting timers and home security features available; how can you tell which one is right for you?

Light switch timers

These time-controlled light switches are wired into your lighting circuits and automatically turn your lights off and on. Some can turn the lights on and off at a set of predetermined times, while others only turn them on overnight.

The overnight models are particularly clever, as they will continue working properly even if a power cut resets all your other domestic appliances.

Light sensor switches and sensor lamps

These domestic security fittings turn an energy-efficient lightbulb on in low-light conditions and are controlled by a photocell that automatically activates when ambient light fades.

You can manually set the length of time the light will run for, so you could have the bulb glowing overnight or set it to turn off a few hours after nightfall—perhaps at what would normally be your bedtime.

Plug-in appliance timers

If you want to turn on a radio, television, or any other appliance when your home is unoccupied, a plug-in timer is ideal. These timers can work with any 13-amp socket.

Simply plug the timer in, turn the electricity supply to the plug on, and set the timer. Even though the appliance is plugged in, it will not turn on until the timer reaches its pre-programmed time.

Electronic digital timers

Like plug-in appliance timers, electronic digital timers can be used to switch both appliances and lights on and off and come in both daily and weekly formats. A digital display enhances their ease-of-use.

Programmable switches

These digitally controlled switches can be programmed to come on at different times over the week, perhaps during the daytime over the weekend and in the evening on weekdays.

Some come with additional features, such as a manual override and light sensor settings.

Seven-day and 24-hour timers

Seven-day timers allow you to control your lights over a full seven-day period, enabling a staggering of the timer settings, whereas 24-hour timers enable a pattern of switching that repeats over subsequent days.

Outdoor security lights

As well as indoor light timers, outdoor security lights are a great way to dissuade burglars, and are best used around-the-year rather than just during holidays.

These features use an infrared sensor to track movement and turn on when someone steps into their field of vision. The light then shines on the visitor for a few minutes, eliminating the cover of darkness for thieves (and making it easier for you to find your keys at night!).

Worried about your home security?

We have a dedicated team of engineers and tradesmen up and down the country who can assist you with any home security needs.

If you’re having trouble with any aspect of your boiler, home appliances, or if you’re suffering from a home emergency such as an electrical breakdown, plumbing problem, or security issue, then be sure to get in touch with us.

You can face a hefty bill if something goes wrong at home, so eliminate the possibility and speak to us today.

Call us on 0345 3192 247, and one of our friendly technical team members will go through some simple diagnostics to see if your problem can be resolved over the phone. If not, we’ll send an engineer to be with you as soon as possible to ensure you’re back up and running in no time.

247 Home Rescue accepts no liability for any injuries or damages you sustain following the advice on this website. If in doubt, seek professional assistance.

Posted by: Martin Astley 24 February 2015